Sunday, February 27, 2011

One night only

Sydney I want a picture of you standing next to my video!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

On selling all of your possessions and moving!

I have just started to read this blog 'Finding Me in France' and I think you all should check it out. I believe this woman had a sort of "mid-life crisis," quite her job, sold everything and moved with her husband to France. She is an excellent and witty writer and provides interesting insights....good stuff!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Love from Germany.

"Ich möchte Dir sagen, daβ ich Dich nie verlassen werde. Und dann, wenn Du traurig bist, könnte ich Dir immer ein biβchen Likör geben, um dein Herz zu aufwärmen."

Basically this means that I'll be there for you always. And I'll get you drunk when you're sad.

Via Etsy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

When's the last time that you saw one of these guys?

We've been getting back in touch...and I like it! Much love from Madrid on this Valentines.