Friday, January 11, 2008

while i was browsing

It's going to be a good day. Why? Because I started off the morning by finding two great links that have made their way into the Bookmark Hall of Fame. The first is a young painter whose work is not necessarily the most inventive or mind blowing, but her brush work is lovely and I thought Elly would like to take a peak (mind you I'm not a fan of the website). Chelsea James
has an eye for color; I love the way she simplifies shape too.

The second link, oh the second link....keep your monies saved ladies because here is a website that features different artists and allows you to buy additions of their work. 20x200 is a fun browse, and an easy way to acquire 8.5 x 11" additions for only $20. It appears that the site is a fairly new project; the archives go back only to September 07. While I do not love everything on here, it will be fun to see what comes out each month. It inspires me to find more sites like this.

1 comment:

Eleanor Greer said...

Lauren: How do you go about internet research? I sit down, wanting to look at contemporary painters, art blogs etc..and am overwhelmed with where to begin..