Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lo, it raineth in California-eth.

Nesbit has been silent for a while now and so, a bit of myself.

"I am grateful for this life, this thing that I occupy day after day and that I will never fully know. There is another who lives in my chest, somewhere behind the cartilidge cage and it awakens, very strongly, at times. Today, the rain, the smell of life in the air, the enormity of the sky, the reflective-ness of the world-oh all feels to be made of fire and glass!-and the thing in me awakens. It sits heavily, rocking and bumping, glad to exist and I bend inward. I get caught in all of these impossible contradictions of living and then my other self, my chest self, sits down with the heaviest thud it can manage. The present, it proclaims, you exist now. The sun on that building, the shadow on that chin-you live now. What a blessing."

I will be posting some images soon of my recent work. Be at the ready!

1 comment:

J.R. Uretsky said...

"I get caught in all of these impossible contradictions of living and then my other self, my chest self, sits down with the heaviest thud it can manage. The present, it proclaims, you exist now. The sun on that building, the shadow on that chin-you live now."


where is this from.