Thursday, February 5, 2009

"A woman's work is never done?"

... what the hell does it mean?

Nesbit, let's talk about it. The tone of the phrase seems kind of negative to me, as if the saying gives off a weird vibe. I want to know everyone's feelings. Laurel why did you pick it? Anyone started yet? Have ideas?

This is what happened when I googled it:

"Man may work from sun to sun,
But woman’s work is never done."


Eleanor Greer said...

I am actually very sick and traveling SO am not going to write my brains out right now but Jamie, we will talk. I have bee getting the sam reaction, from Spaniards even, Isn´t that phrase a bit out-dated? Curious...

Soon. And Ohhh the power of Google....

Guest Critter said...

This is Laurel again!

Blah! Sorry I didn't respond right away! I made a facebook group called "a secretive facebook group", and I posted a longish explanation of what I was thinking about a "woman's work". Hopefully it'll help! (in fact, if you could tell me whether or not it's helpful, i'd really appreciate that. i really don't want to leave everyone on their own with a topic that they're just confused about.)

Laurel :)