Monday, November 16, 2009

Our first baby...

Kris did the installation and I contributed the sound:

Songs of Our Daughter
Kris Cowen & J.R. Uretsky
Mixed media sound installation

The concept of cross-pollination makes us think of sharing, exchanging, borrowing, or appropriating an element from one thing and then applying it to something else. The idea of cross-pollination is inherently collaborative, and speaks to the type of art we are both interested in making; for us, sculpture is communal.

We wanted to create a personal art experience for a viewer in a public space. By combining private narratives (in relation to another sort of cross-pollinating) with an abstract environment, we provide the viewer with a space equipped for listening and contemplation. Songs of Our Daughter is a voyeuristic installation, a sort of eavesdropping experience, where the viewer is let in to the artist's personal lives the same way a friend would be- by listening. This project is a multi-sensory art experience that invites the viewer to "be in the know" in regards to the personal life of the artist; in doing so, we have creating an authentic feeling of acceptance in an artificial, constructed environment.

future Mr. Jamie Uretsky.


Libby said...

Jamie. You are a beautiful person. I'm loathe to say that, not because it's not true, but because I can't think of a more original way to say it.

One day I am going to be Aunt Libby to your kids. I won't have any kids. And so the irony of the childless "You'll-be-such-an-amazing-mom" Libby will be evident when I come live next door to you so I can play with YOUR kids.

J.R. Uretsky said...

I think I'll buy some kids....and since we'll all be living in a commune you and I could go dutch on one.