Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eleanor : An Update

Right! Updates! I am lying on the tile floor in an attempt to “beat the heat” and the pollen that litters Madrid has blown in the window and tickles my legs. I have no allergies but it finds a way to annoy each and every person. So, to follow Sydney’s style:

Reading: I have just finished "El coronel no tiene nadie quien le escriba" by Marquez which was lovely and am now reading "The Railway Children" by Nesbit which is a short and sweet read! Her writing is delightful and I find myself caught up in the adult-like minds of the children.


The school year is coming to a close and I am grading grading and grading. I have learned so much about myself and about developing patience, creativity and improvisation working with these 13 and 16 year olds. I have decided to stay here another year, same apartment and same school but working with different teachers and continuing to pay off them student loans! I like what I am doing but after one more year I will be ready for a change and am starting now to look at small drawing studios at least to be taking classes if not teaching them.

The Other Kind of "Work": My studio table is littered with sketches and unfinished drawings. I know that my entire life will be a struggle against myself, a fight to finish things and to find the motivation in the middle of the so called “long-haul”. Spain, at least Madrid, might not be the right place for me as getting things done simply is not their strong suit. So the "unfinished" and I are having a duel and I will come out of it a more decided person. The question is,"How do I want and need art to fit into my life? And what kind of person do I want to be in that regard?"

Listening: To crap...Spanish and American contemporary pop. I need suggestions, help
and to be home for the summer to download Popcasts.

Family: They are doing great I believe. My father will be in Costa Rica for a month, my mom is coming here for 10 days, L is graduating high school and staring at PLNU, O is going to start a medical program up at SDSU and S will start her junior year in high school. I miss them but recognize that I am beginning to form something outside that probably began when I moved out for college.

Me: I am doing well, processing a lot of things and really looking deeply at my character. There are a lot of things about me that need concentration and remodeling but that's nothing new! I have had an incredible year, a good deal of traveling and I thought of you the whole time...here's the proof.

love, Eleanor

PS: I DO have dating news and we'll just have to get together to find that out :)

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