Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Boingboing and Jim Henson

Ok, first of all, if you haven't checked out, you should. It is a very random (but wonderful) blog that is updated often with all sorts of geeky factoids, politics, news, internet tricks and best of all, various art stuff.

Anyway, looking through the site today, I discovered a post with links to some of Jim Henson's early, very non-muppet work. I was intrigued by the first ten or fifteen minutes of a film he made called "The Cube."


It addresses some pretty heavy philosophical and ontological issues in an almost humorous way. I don't know if I yet have the patience to watch the hour-long film, but take a look at a bit of it and tell me what you all think...

Also, "Yes and Yes" reminded me of a Jon Anderson-and-others moment I wish I had witnessed, Jamie...what?...I'm just saying...

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