Saturday, December 22, 2007

Subliminal messages. Zombies. The world.

When I was kindergarten I started a covert society called “The Tick Tock Crazy Clock” Club (I’m not sure why I named it that it was probably because those were the only words I could spell correctly). I made flyers, Annabel was in it, and we kept it (outside of our secret handshake, code words, and meetings under lunch benches) very hush hush. Now…being a part of Nesbit, I never thought of it as some big ‘thing’ (or whatever) but apparently I had placed Nesbit in my mind next to the fairly vacant shanty that was once “The Tick Tock Crazy Clock” Club (“The Tick Tock Crazy Clock” Club AKA TxTxTxCxCxC soon dissipated after Leah Mark started her own club and somehow my purple teddy bear got taken out of my cubby). That being said, this past week I have had several folks mention the blog and how they view it often. This is almost as odd and flattering as your scary uncle hitting on you at Christmas. Then I started to wonder what if this knowledge…that others give a damn about Nesbit…could be harnessed to some sort of power. Subliminal messages. Zombies. The world. Then I got to thinking that this knowledge was not good power at all…but rather, very very bad power that is working very (need a new word for very) much against us. What I am saying, is that while Nesbit has always been available to the wider public I never considered the mediator (the internet) as something that would cause me to blog (verb) with certain expectations outside of Nesbit in mind. For example, my earlier ‘TxTxTxCxCxC’ comment was written completely to get a chuckle out of Jeff Rau, none of my fellow Nesbiters were expected to catch the reference. I had never done that before tonight. Perhaps you all (this is now to the Nesbiters) have thought of this and I again have proven myself to be a douche bag…I just never considered it in that way. I blame our generation. Every picture we take now goes from camera to myspace (there must be picture frame grave yards). We function in terms of computers. Tonight at a dinner party, someone mentioned amongst laughter, “I think I feel a blog coming on”. And here I sit. And that’s another thing! Will we censor ourselves now? That pervious fragmented sentence was originally… “And here I sit , alone in my underwear.” Will we go back to past blogs a delete lame posts so that our internet icons remain…cool?

Were they ever cool?

Something to ponder.


Eleanor Greer said...

I recently posted this on my own blog Jamie, but was listening to a KPBS interview about "blogging" and how it is the new method of journalistic writing. That people are now turning to bloggers for updated news vs. magazines/journals/newspapers. So yes, I am/have been aware that these blogs are open to the "public" but I am speaking to you four, not to them. I have been in my pajamas all morning and am sitting on my sister's bed, eating an orange. Is this information just as important as the first page of the SD Union Tribune this morning?

lauren mcconnablah said...

We cannot ever forget, however, the original intention that Nesbit was created for. It will never be a safe haven, because it will always be open for public viewing. But if our intended audience remains us four, and we write to one another, we can at least maintain a sense (even if it is a pseudo-sense) of reserve and personal space. Our objective is not a didactic one, but one of participation in each other's personal practices.

and who gives a damn about being cool? worrying about the opinion of others is a prison.

J.R. Uretsky said...

I think we have all proven many times over that none of us...with the exception of Sydney who is too cool to answer my phone calls...are 'cool'.

I just think the whole thing is funny that is all. And Eleanor brings up an interesting the internet leveling the playing to speak...

ps I have no spell check on this computer so don't judge me.

Libby said...

Yeah, I've thought about this. Especially after Dan said he was reading our blog-- because to be honest, I was a little surprised that anyone would want to look! But yes, here we are. It seems that we have two options: To hell with "the rest of the world" When you write a post, just think about us, the original Nesbiters. Don't censor yourselves, just be real. (Downside being that you will always have that knowledge in the back of your head that someone outside of us is reading this. Of course, we do invite it somewhat having had guest critters...)

Or, we can set the blog NOT to be public, so that only we can read it. (Downside being no outside input, no Dan, no Jeff....etc. Also, you have to log in each time to read it. I hate that.)

Anyway, these are my thoughts and my predictably practical solutions. What do you all think?

lauren mcconnablah said...

P.S. Jamie, I enjoyed reading your post immensely. I wish I could have been part of your club.

Let's just keep our blog public.

lauren mcconnablah said...

and speaking of not being cool...I think we have photographic evidence of each of us in a state belying a claim of "cool."

I get a chuckle just thinking of it.

J.R. Uretsky said...

Lauren is right. Keep it public and embrace the photographic evidence.