Saturday, June 14, 2008

People we love...Art We hate...

ok I am posting this early because I have no idea what to do with it now. do I frame them? do I build an alter piece for them? what the hell do I do?


Eleanor Greer said...

where is everyone? Libby is in Hawaii, Sydney is at Starbucks...ah well.

Jamie, are these three to be one? Or do you wish them to sit alongside each other as three that make up a whole? Framed with glass would read to me, depending on the frame, but more home-related, picture of mother and daughter, words from a mother to her daughter, the icons that we place behind glass for preservation's sake. Other options would be mounting on panel, on thicker or bigger paper, box framed without glass...having Libby knit you a sweater onto which you sew these sheets. I have no preference at this point.

I like it, presentation aside. Especially the handled look of the pages on either side-the tri-fold and touched look. Where are you pulling images for the collaging of the two middle figures?I am interested in the one sweater being the remnant, untouched.

Libby said...

That was a the best little laugh I have had all day. Boobies. Your mom is the best. It's interesting how so much love is obvious even in an awkward note about ingrown hairs. She makes me love my mom that much more.

I think this is fantastic. The halo/auras. The letters. I think you really show just how honest and personal a mother/daughter relationship can be. I don't know about presentation. There is always that risk with having actual letters as an art piece that they will look like something you would find hanging in the grade school hallway next to the fignerpainting of a shoddy christmas tree. Maybe they should be framed, or given similar treatment as the collage so they carry the same value and weight. When I read altarpiece and then looked at the first picture again, I immediatley pictured one of those tri-fold science fair displays. I don't know, what would that look like?

I need to think some more about this. I'm processing the sweater/knit thing idea also.


Sydney said...

the built up image of you and your mother is fabulous. really nice colors/composition/positive and negative space. is it all pretty flat or is it bumpy? that may change my thoughts if i were to see it up close...depending....
i am not sold on the text surrounding the figures-i don't like that 'vaginal discharge' jumps out at you-too much shock value. perhaps more layering of text over the background would help to push it back and i think it would also work well with the figure images.
while i also like the way the paper is handled on the two side pieces, and i also appreciate the love expressed in these mundane (yet important!) items of conversation (like libby said) i am not sure that they are necessary. they may be too much for the image-if that makes sense-people will just read those and be satisfied/get a good laugh or whatever. it might work in book form-what other alternatives have you considered?

let's discuss more....i like where this is going.

p.s. no altar piece. framed would be nice-perhaps even separately; matted/floating....

p.s.s. i wish i could see it in person!!!! i want to touch it!!!!

Sydney said...

also-were those letters actually mailed or were they emails?

J.R. Uretsky said...

They were actually mailed...along with the Bobbie one my mom sent a scrub/lufa.

Thank you for your thoughts everyone.

The letters on the side will stay (sorry syd) but I agree that the texts may need to push back more. I was considering stitching on it with light gold or yellow stitching. The concept here I feel you guys 'got' when you guys spoke of the honest and special relationship one can have with their mother. I wanted to portray what I think my mom and I actually have, what we are. As I was making this piece I was thinking about how human my mom and I are. Elly described some of my work as "raw" and that word was clunking around my mind as well. And when I say my mom and I are human I don't necessarily mean that in a glorified sense. My mom has made a lot of mistakes as we were growing up, she'd tell you that. But when I was away she send me letters religiously. And the letters were mundane. It would be a starbucks card with $3 on it or whatever change she could find. Like Syd said I wish you guys could see it up close. Sure 'vaginal discharge' sticks out...but I would argue that that is present not for shock value or cheep laughs but rather to flush out viewer who will see words like 'vaginal' or 'bobbies' will get a good laugh and look over what the other text has to say. For example, There is a bit of text on my head that reads 'I have old eyes'. All the text is intentional. And I think having some of the odd text makes for a stark contrast to some of the sweet things my mom did say. But I do agree, that visually it may be a bit distracting.

In regards to some of your questions:

"Where are you pulling images for the collaging of the two middle figures?"

the image is from the card my mom sent me with the matching sweaters. I actually collages on top of the blown up image. All the paper used in this piece are collected from letters she sent me over the past 5 years.

"are these three to be one? Or do you wish them to sit alongside each other as three that make up a whole?"

I would like them to sit along side each other. I think that the two letters hold their own as to speak. In theory I want them to read as a triptych.

"p.s. no altar piece. framed would be nice-perhaps even separately; matted/floating...."

thank you. I need comments like this. I am so damn insecure about 2D pieces that when I put them in frames I couldn't handle that it was done. I think based on your comments I am going to work on the background some more and then matt gel medium the whole thing...perhaps.

Thanks again for your words. Very good crit, super helpful.