Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank you... and now my turn.

I wanted to thank you all...

This was a pleasure. Jeff Rau and I just had coffee and we were talking about how encouraging it is to see you all "doing it." You're making it happen... and as you know, you need each other to make it happen and to keep it going. My class got together after graduation and a bunch of us got a studio in Buena Park, and although it didn't last more than a year, it solidified our committment to each other as artists and I think helped a lot of us "keep going" after graduation. With this blog, you guys have taken full advantage of a new medium to have a virutal studio, and it's encouraging to see how often you all post and comment about each other's work. "Art apart" is truly a great concept. Bravo.

and Lauren, wherever you may be-- I hope things are well and I'd love to see some work whenver you may have the chance to be making it!

And now I selfishly ask you to freely make comments about my Northwoods Journals book, which I've just posted on facebook as a set of far-too-low-res screen shots. But hey, it fits your theme, so I'm going for it.

Click here for the facebook link.

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