Thursday, August 12, 2010

Awkward moment of the day

Today, I walked into a tiny local fitness club because I wanted to see their rates and class schedule. I grabbed a brochure and sat down. An attractive guy on the other side of the room stopped his sit-ups to ask if I needed help. I looked up and said, "No, I'm just checking you out" and went back to my brochure. I immediately looked back at him and mumbled something like "well, not checking you out, just this place... also, I'm really awkward." He just looked at me for a second, then went back to his sit-ups. Shortly after that exchange, I took the brochure and left. I'll save my questions for another day.


J.R. Uretsky said...

I actually just put my hand to my mouth and squeaked.

Eleanor Greer said...

Understandable. You want to be sure there are attractive men in the gym you choose to join. I get that...

Sydney said...