Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello Comrades,

I have officially launched my new and improved branding identity and website this morning!

I would really appreciate it if you all would navigate around my site and let me know if you find anything particularly annoying/crappy/unprofessional. Just let me know your thoughts!

Thanks a million!

Sydney Van Orden Design


J.R. Uretsky said...


Soooo good. I think the site captures your personality very well: serious designer and professional but absolutely dorky. People will connect with that.

So when do we get started on my site? Loan check comes in soon...

Libby said...

Syd, this is fantastic. It's so true, serious and professional, but totally fun and dorky. I LOVE that you included coffee in your list of "how you do it."

The only thing I see right off the bat that I would change would be your little intro phrase. I want it to say "I'm Sydney and I make pretty things." Make instead of design. I know that that could be a big difference to you, but I like the flow of the other word, and I think it has a broader appeal.

I love your SVO graphic. Love love love it all. You are the shit.


Eleanor Greer said...

Syd, easily maneuverable, so congrats on that one! You are targeting a specific audience and that's great, just be aware that you would need to change a few things if you wanted to catch the attention of, say, men.

So, I would actually cut some of the work from your "Illustration" section and keep in mind that you do not have to include everything that you have done. I would take out that last image, the montage, for example.

Other than that, GREAT. Enjoyable and yours. I love that you ask "Want me to make you something?". You are very bold, energetic and approachable. I would make the list of what you do more visible initially.


Eleanor Greer said...
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J.R. Uretsky said...

"I'm feeling: millenial"

just caught that - awesome.