Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let's get our critique on!

Guten tag!

I am kicking off the posting early as I will be on vacation this upcoming week. My mom's best friend and her daughter are visiting Paris so we are meeting them on Monday and I am looking forward to some quality museum time. I have also been reading a lot of Hemingway and stories centered around the Lost Generation in Paris during the 1920s so I am excited to see if I visualize what I have been reading. It will also be lovely to simply look around and relax!

Lately, I have been watching a lot of web design tutorials and have been improving my skill set in that area (mainly with working on this site, though that is a long, funny story for another post). Suffice it to say, I had never been completely satisfied with my website/portfolio/branding so I wanted to really think about my branding's look and feel, as well as update my html with my new found knowledge. A coworker/friend/future roommate is a photographer so I bartered with her for a portrait shoot. I found a dress at a flea market downtown and decided that the dress and photo shoot would drive my branding identity. I vectorized the rose pattern from my dress and developed a color palette from it as well. I have included screenshots from my improved site but I would also hope that you all would go to my site, click around, and let me know how intuitive and user-friendly it is.

In addition to the website, I am designing calling cards--mainly because I still have yet to memorize my cell phone number over here!

Well, I think that just about sums it up--I look forward to everyone else's posts as well as the conversations to follow!


“Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. Believe in kissing.” - Eve Ensler

P.S. This game is super nerdy. And awesome.

1 comment:

Eleanor Greer said...

I love so many things about what you have posted! The quote by Eve Ensler, the new "look" to your site, the fun/nerdy type spacing game...

Your website, I LOVE that you based the colors and background off of the dress that you found in a German flea market, it's a great story and it looks fantastic. I enjoy the shapes of the flowers, the polka dots everything. Thanks for sharing! It's all so streamlined and easy to poke around on.

Working with your cell number is a great way to learn it and, as you taught me, calling cards are fun to have. You are also such an avid reader and I love hearing what you are currently reading and how it connects to where you are/what you are doing.

I am so full of curiosity about the Miss October site and I can't wait to hear about Paris!