Sunday, March 9, 2008


Libby said...

Wow, those are so accurate. Hmm. Here's the motivational version:

How to feel awesome as an artist:

1. Be inspired by other artists.
2. Share your projects and ideas with family, even though they may not understand.
3. Look at all that you have done!
4. Try something totally new and different.
5. Put your broad arsenal of skills to work.
6. Splurge every now and then.
7. Be confident with your decisions.
8. Do work that your family would love and would hate.
9. See #7.
10. Take one step at a time.

J.R. Uretsky said...

11. send Jamie her nesbit t-shirt.

Libby said...

It's in the mail, huzzah!

Sydney said...

man, i wanted libby's.

12. send sydney her shirt.