Friday, March 7, 2008

the infinite web.

I happened across an etymology page and checked the name Eleanor Greer. Under the breakdown of my name and it's origin were listings of online blogs and articles with recent mention of that name; among them was Jeff's blog.

This to say that Nesbit has received outside publicity and Jeff Rau will be teaching at Biola in the Fall semester. Who shall the next "critter" be? I vote for Dr. Kleinfelder....or Tim Timmerman.

Welcome home to Sydney from her European ventures!!


J.R. Uretsky said...

as much as I like all of us do any of us have work worthy enough for those folks to look at?

Libby said...

Uh, right.... enough said.

Sydney! Yay! I just got another postcard from her today. Yay germany.

Etymology, good word.