Saturday, May 23, 2009

I woke up with a headache, which is never a good start to a morning.
I have drank far too much wine and coffee this week, not enough water, and have slept very little. A 6am start every day; much easier in the spring/summer when the sun is on your side. I have been merchandising at Anthro this week. This equals job satisfaction. It's a bit like tetris: you must place all the pieces together just right. Sometimes things disappear and a new tile starts to fall. Your task? react quickly.

I am getting ready to make my way to the gym, where I routinely find my feet moving on the same elliptical machine and silently competing with those endorphine'd gym folk who surround me. It is fascinating to watch people beat their body into submission. I catch my reflection in the mirror and see my sweaty pink face stare back as I too am struggling against myself trying to improve and running in place. I like to feel my body's ability to lift heavy things, to feel the muscles pull and push and my limbs move freely and wildly at times. The body: something we can praise and celebrate and something we can also despise. Fascinating.

I will be making my way up north later today, to a series of small lakes. There I will lay on a lawn with friends letting the sun sink into my skin and smelling of sunscreen. I will eat vegatables and hummus and think of you all and our reunion in the golden state.

The Pacific Northwest has been graced with five days of temperate weather. It may even tap out at 74 this week.

1 comment:

Libby said...

I love the smell of sunscreen.

Lauren, I'm glad you get to make pretty things at work. You get to work with lovely items. It is somewhat glamorous, as opposed to shoveling potato salad all day.