Monday, June 4, 2007

C.S. Lewis is infiltrating my mind....

“A man whose hands are full of parcels can’t receive a gift. Perhaps these parcels are not always sins or earthly cares, but sometimes our own fussy attempts to worship Him in our way.”

“Can you do any sort of handwork? I’ve found that making crocheted rugs and tablecloths, or knitting socks, was an amazing help with my spiritual difficulties when I was feeling low. One can work off so many frustrations by stabbing away with a knitting needle! It’s better to make pretty things, I find, than just useful ones.”
[Joy Lewis]

“I am a barbarously early riser...I love the empty, silent, dewy, cobwebby hours.”

“It will not bother me in the hour of death to reflect that I have been “had for a sucker” by any number of impostors; but it would be a torment to know that one had refused even one person in need. After all, the parable of the sheep and the goats makes our duty perfectly plain, doesn’t it. Another thing that annoys me is when people say ‘Why did you give that man money? He’ll probably go and drink it.’ My reply is ‘But if I’d kept [it] I should probably have drunk it.’”

“Don’t you think Our Lord says to you ‘Peace, child, peace. Relax. Let go. Underneath are the everlasting arms. Let go, I will catch you. Do you trust me so little?”

I finished reading Lewis' "Letters to an American Lady" while home this weekend...these were some of my favorite quotes. Going home is always good. I enjoy going to church and being within that body. And I love spending time with my mom. But I have to say that today coming back to class and just now flopping down onto Jamie's couch was so perfect. I had had sort of a poopie morning...the ortho appointment did not go well and there are more complications, which means I will most likely have to have the braces on for another year or so....which is depressing but I do know there is a reason for it (beyond straight teeth) and it is a good reminder that a lot of people in the world have it much worse off than I. And in the midst of all that it is so wonderful to just make art and be around good know...?

also, you all need to look at this artist:
"to express the inexpressible"



J.R. Uretsky said...

" I will most likely have to have the braces on for another year or so"

those lying bastards.

lauren mcconnablah said...

"Cobwebby hours"

so nice.